Break out the Popcorn, Jelly Beans and Toast!

I’m a Registered Dietitian who does not know how to cook.  I can tell people what to eat, how to prepare it, and how much of it to consume, but when it comes to practicing what I preach, I too often fall short when the task at hand is actually creating a meal that mirrors my recommendations. 

I named this blog “Cold Cereal & Toast” for a few reasons outside of the obvious food reference for which is the central subject of my dialogue.  It is a is a tribute to my new husband, “J.”   He is a meat-and-potatoes convert who loves to spend holidays on the couch watching classic Charlie Brown episodes.  “Cold Cereal & Toast” references a line from “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”– when faced with the challenge of cooking a Thanksgiving meal for all of his friends, Charlie Brown exasperates, “All I can make is cold cereal and maybe toast.”   Qute frankly, I can too closely relate to his sentiments.  Cereal and toast, while classic breakfast items, require little thought in preparation and I often fall into a pattern of consuming simply prepared foods while, ironically, watching Rachel Ray whip up a comforting nutritious meal in 30 minutes (including dessert!).   No more excuses, time to take accountability!  

So I pledge to try a bit more complicated recipes which I will showcase here, particularly those that sneak in more veggies into my diet and J’s.  This blog will likely recount my adventures with the food and the kitchen, while allowing myself to succomb to the microwave every now and then.   Whatever brings you to the site, I hope it brings a smile to your face and perhaps a bit of knowledge on the dynamic world of nutrition and food.  If you try any of the recipes, relate to any of my posts, or just feel like procrastinating at work, I would love to hear from you!  Thanks for reading!

One response to “Break out the Popcorn, Jelly Beans and Toast!

  1. Pingback: Summer’s Bounty « Cold Cereal & Toast

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